Category: Creatures


Always Watching

Old photo from an event I was at, the first time I did anything related to Anime Los Angeles, before I did one of their conventions. It was a picnic they threw, not sure...


Kitty Train

My cats love their scratching boards, especially when they are in something enclosing. Because sometimes you find one of them napping on it.


Feeding Time

Old photo of a squirrel that was given sunflower seeds to eat. Kind of surprised how close it let me get it for this photo.



Just the calico, calicoing again. She pretty much spends most of her time laying on my bed.


Turtle Swarm

Old photo of some turtles trying to get out of the water to get a piece of bread given to them. They were struggling kind of hard.


Cardi D

On sunday after I realized I lost interest in KCon, I walked around downtown to see if I can get anymore stuff for my trip. Got a new memory card, shorts, then suddenly saw...


Pencil Holder

There is a certain rule I have in my life. Always have access to photos of my old girls for days like this, or friday the 13th. Because black cats.



An old cat of mine, when she would sit down in such a way, I would say she is loafing. In fact I often said she did the perfect loaf. Now, cat loafing is...



Found these two after saving them from the creatures. Figured they needed to do a little recovery because it’s likely they were too small to be let go. They ate and jumped around in...