Monthly Archive: February 2015


The Dress that confused the Internet

If you have been on social media in the past day, you might of noticed this photo, along with the person asking if the dress is white and gold, or black and blue.

So I opened the image in photoshop to make sure that I am right about it being white and gold, even took screen shots to make sure my eyes are working fine.

Now the areas on the dress do look blue, yes, and rather light blue in fact, but that is likely to the fact that the light is coming from the back. If it was coming from the front it will be white, or at least a much lighter color. So I made an adjustment to be more accurate to what it might look like in the day light.

And then this curveball comes into play. I really have no idea what to think as of this moment.


Oh, Look at what I Found

During the Chinese New Year parade saturday. I swear, almost every parade I’ve been in or seen around LA has some people with their signs. Last time I completely wiped what was on a persons sign and added my own text insulting them was at comic con last year and decided to do so again here. I think I’ll start doing this for now on and hope it spreads far enough to where the person in the photo will eventually see it.

Chinese Lion Dance 0

Chinese Lion Dance

I have to say, the new camera takes some nice video. But I have to say once again, more experimentation needs to be done.


Chinese New Year ’15 Photos

The funny part was, I wasn’t even sure I wanted to go down for it. I had few friends convince me to and yeah, good idea. I didn’t get a lot of photos but what was awesome was the fact I did get fed. A well fed shark is a happy shark.

I did some more experimentation of the camera settings and I do believe I’m getting closer to the visual style I want, but there is still more to be done. Also, there is video coming.

Can’t want to see whats next.


Gallifrey One ’15 Photos

After I was done with the Flashmob sunday, I heard there was also a convention going on at a nearby hotel, that I walked over a mile for in warmer weather then it should be for this time of year. Gallifrey One, which is a Doctor Who convention. Though I don’t actively watch the show, I have seen it from time to time and it’s interesting to say the least. I might want to actually try to sit down and start watching it properly. I was there shortly and it was the last day so I did have a chance to get a few photos in and what came out I’m happy with.

To bad it took me so long to finally load online.


I Never Think About It

Because I know I am not… I saw this where we had all met up before the flashmob on sunday. Not only found it clever but if you ask me, also true.

Also though editing this photo I had accentually discovered another feature. In order for me to take this photo at the right angle I had to hold the camera away form myself. But here is the fun part, I can use the screen that flips out to insure I have it as I want it. By doing that is also takes the photos in widescreen. This can be helpful in some photos like group shots because I really don’t like cropping unless I have to.