The Shark visits dressed up beach goers.
Some asked if the one shouting was yelling shark, when he was really speaking of how cold the water was. He was thanked for not warning the other humans and will always be spared.
Some asked if the one shouting was yelling shark, when he was really speaking of how cold the water was. He was thanked for not warning the other humans and will always be spared.
I saw a post on George Takei’s page on Facebook, this is what happens when you give me ideas.
And it was quite a blood bath. So many victims feel prey to the shark. And what a way to end Shark Week to.
Taken at Anime Expo ’07…
first shark attack using version 3.0, it’s forever going to be used as my logo but I want something that works better for photoshop. I can always draw something new but I want more flexibility and control with it for later works. so now I must really learn how to use 3D programs, I know this and that in Cinema 4D but not enough to really do something with it. We can only wait and see what happens later.
A little advice, never, never tell me there are shark swimming around New Orleans, never. it will give me ideas.