Monthly Archive: December 2014


You Know what I Found?

Oh Warcraft, you and your silly quests.

I missed CicLAvia on sunday. I woke up late and ended up taking care of other stuff at my place. I have been very tired lately and not sure why. Here is to hoping this doesn’t became a problem during Santacon this saturday, I want to be ready for that.


SantaCon ’14

Every year since discovering this event back in 2010, I’ve been excited for it to come around overtime. The best part is this is a Metro year, so we will be on the subway and light rail going from place to place. No info on where we will be start off at, but that will be revealed the day before, so keep watch on the event page here.


Becoming a Monster

I mean really, this cat is getting big. He is the size of the dogs and solid muscle. The best part is he is sweet but seems to like the dogs most. In fact he likes the dogs so much they try to get away from him sometimes. But there are other moments they chase him around and play.


Molten Corgi

So I have my warcraft account active again. Ten days, and once I got on this happened. Totally forgot about it but that’s cool I have the little guy. I remember after my last dog died I wanted to get a Corgi, likely because they seem as if they are really cool dogs. Though, it might also have to do with the anime Cowboy Bebop, which there was a Corgi on it named Ein. But the two dog I have now, I like anyways, and they like me. I know this because of how often they like to lick my face.

And remember, gifting game time is always awesome.


Always in my spot

Almost always, a cat here. Good thing the two I have now have so much white fur because I’ve accidentally sat on one of my cats before sleeping on my chair. Both of which were black if you remember.


CivLAvia 12.7.14

The last of the year, and running a new route in south LA. It’s a rather short one, and I do believe I’ve been near where one of the hubs will be, when the shuttle was heading to the science center 2 years ago. This one should be nice out, since it is winter, but then again, this is LA so it can be about 80 degrees during the day. Yes, that does happen here for those of you that aren’t from the area. Now I doubt this will happen, but lets just hope it isn’t raining that day as it has been for the last few days.

Also, I’m hoping I get more photos this time, as I feel I was lacking from the last one in October. Lets just see what happens.