Monthly Archive: May 2017


Lets Laugh

So before going to Long Beach in the morning, a friend had a show tonight that I decided to watch. It was fun. Decided to get a photo of that while there to share.



From an out of state adventure I had years ago. Saw these rather large birds and saw they where eating a raccoon that had died, who knows how long ago?


Resist March ’17

Something coming up next month. At LA pride there will not be a parade this year, but a, what i’m expecting to be a rather large rally. I’m going to miss the parade, but hopefully it will still be a good party after the march is over.

Anywho, I got this photo at a booth set up during DragCon. Looking metal while holding little rainbow flag.


Long Beach Pride ’17

This party is coming up next week, and I’m looking forward to it. Pride season is back. I wonder how many parades I’ll be in this year?


Just Can’t get Enough.

Sometimes you don’t have to try that hard. As I’ve said many times before, some people can sure dish it out, but can’t take it themselves.