Monthly Archive: December 2017

Light Saber Dual 0

Light Saber Dual

While at Grand Park last night there was a massive light saber battle going on, I got here while it was still kind of early because I had some other place to go. I also got some photos so that’s coming. Also at the time there wasn’t exactly a lot of people there but I did grow. So for now I have this quick dual that happened soon after I get there.


Tried, and Failed

So, I often know an edit job when I see it. And of course someone had to make up a story. Then I found a post Snopes made about it. I found the page deleted the post soon after, But this screen shot was taken before that happen. Like I say, fact check, and know a photoshop job when you see it.


I’m Yelling At You Here!

While Santacon was happening, so was this on Hollywood blvd. A rather large set up of what I would say are black jews, which I’ve heard they are often quite angry. Well, sects of them. Some people have no chill.


LA SantaCon ’17 Photos – Part 2

Alright, the rest of the photos from my excellent adventure. Continuing on from Dave and Busters, we went to Pink Taco just on the outskirts of West Hollywood. After that we went to Rage, which we have been at before. And there was gogo boy santas there. That was the last place I was at before I left. Had some place to go and wish I was able to stay longer. Over all, I had a good time and I can’t wait to join in again next year. Also I understand after Rage the santas went to Bar Sinister. I don’t think I’ve been there before, but I’ve heard of it plenty, and heard it was a cool place. I’ll be there some other time.

And now, the rest of the party.