Monthly Archive: August 2018

Alex Jones Ban, was it justified? 0

Alex Jones Ban, was it justified?

So as most people know the big news from the other day about Alex Jones, a guy that I found to be complete scum was banned on sites like Youtube, Facebook, and Spotify. And I think Thunderf00t said it best here. I will always consider Alex Jones to be a terrorist.


What Changed His Mind?

Or is this a special case Trump is willing to ignore? It’s almost as if his own rules don’t alloy to him or his family. This possibly sounds like corruption to me. I’ve mainly found trump critics outraged by this, yet his supporters are either ignoring it or trying to drive away from the subject. I am not surprised in anyway.


International Cat Day ’18

So I learned that is today. Would have never known if I didn’t see a bunch of posts online today about it. So here is an unpublished photo of one of my old girls.


Player 2…

Awhile back I came across this graphic talking about how if a guy was to give you a controller that means you mean a lot to him and he wants you to be a his healer. I didn’t like that so I made a slight edit to it saying something about how he wants you to join in killing bad guys.

She is my player two, we have been together for a year now having all kinds of adventures and dealing with bad guys, like that of people protesting conventions we goto together. She also has her own website showcasing some of her own work where she specializs in logo design, branding, and other collateral design.

Happy anniversary love.


Share the Story

This is based on something I’ve been saying for a few years now, and I started to because of an old cat of mine. She was extraordinary. Then sometime late last year a friend had lost his wife. I’ve meet her before, didn’t know very well personally, but do remember she was a lot of fun. She meant the world to him and saw how devastated he was. I wish there was something I could do to help. He’s been talking about it for awhile, and that is why I made this image.

Besides, you never know how interesting they might be to other people.

World of Warcraft: “Old Soldier” 0

World of Warcraft: “Old Soldier”

It’s nice to see the type of stuff Blizzard makes to promote their games. Games I’ve always enjoyed playing. I kind of miss playing warcraft, but my computer’s video card is no longer supported so that makes it hard. Nice little video of the character, Saurfang, who I believe will be significant soon. I so want to see how this new expansion will come out, which will be out in less then 2 weeks.