Monthly Archive: December 2018


Cos-losseum Con ’19

The year is coming to an end, and soon after it starts, there will be a convention. Yeah, you knew that was coming. I was planning on going to this last year, but got sick and there was no way I would go down feeling like that. I should be good to go this time. And I’m sure it will be fun.


In Hiding

At least, I think thats’ what she thinks she’s doing, well, but is not because I can see her.


That’s My Spot!

Every time I got up up from my chair, there she is. Even for a second, and I watching jump on the seat right there. Cats.


Dead Calling

I was near the Culver City area recently, and while there I come across this. Not sure how to explain, but like so much of art around here on walls, including much of the graffiti, I like it.


Wave Breaker

Old photo, from when I was at some beach, years ago. Wow, that’s really old. Since SantaCon has ended, Mainly what I’m waiting for is for the year to end. There really isn’t much I can do for now but wait. I look forward to the new year.


City At Night

While on my way back from SantaCon, I found myself looking at an interesting angle towards the city.


Took Me Long Enough

After so long, I finally have a Mew on Pokemon Go! After all those tasks, since it first opened up. Now I can relax. Ok, not really, I have more tasks to do. uhhh……