Monthly Archive: March 2019



I’m pretty sure this is going to become a weekly thing. I post a photo of the cool new pokemon I catch from competing research tasks after 7 different days.

This week is the second of the legendary titans. I just have to get the last one now, which is an ice type. Hope I get it next week. Then who knows what.



Which is it you prefer to live on? I’m sure most people know there is a problem with plastic and the fact it takes so long to degrade, and when it does can become more toxic. I remember hearing from some places there are companies working making organic plastics. That would be very helpful.

In the mean time, I guess we are stuff with the process we have for now. But have no problem disposing of what I have in the best way I can.



Remember that butterfly I posted the photo of the other day? this is it again, but before I put it on the flower. This is the wall I saw it land on.

Avengers: Endgame 0

Avengers: Endgame

And I guess this is the final trailer for the movie. Rather happy how Captain Marvel came out, but this, this is what I’ve been waiting for most after Infinity War. Because I just want to see how it all finally goes down, and You know that will be an insanely epic battle.

I have a month and a half to wait, andI guess I have to tough it out till then.


Nope, Not Wrong

While on twitter, I came across this one tweet from someone that really caught my attention. Now, over the last two years if a person was paying attention, you can’t help but to notice how Trump is known to lie, a lot. No really, like, a whole lot. I made a joke, and kind of a statement that by the end of 2019 He would have told over 9,000 lies since entering office.

So that gave me an idea for this meme using a clip for DragonBall Z that became some odd joke on he internet. but I had to wait from that number to be crossed to be most accurate. Then the lies became more frequent so I had to change my prediction to summer of this year, then before summer. And to my surprise I discover that threshold was crossed last week.



Taking a Breather

There happens to be a monarch migration going on through my area. While trying to find a proper opportunity to take photos of a butter fly I saw this guy landed on the side of a wall. Didn’t take long to realize that I think it was exhausted.

I got it to walk on to my hand and took it to some flowers, hoping it can use that to help replenish itself. Hope that worked out, because I believe they all have a long ways to goto still.



Well, I got something brand new to me. I guess in generation 3 of the pokemon games they put in what is known as the 3 legendary titans. This is one of them. I hope I get the other 2 soon. As of now I can only get them from competing research tasks in Pokemon Go. This is going to be a long month.


Looks Fake

And yet I’m pretty sure if these plants came to my place they will still die. Because I take better care of animals then plants.


The Hills Are Alive

With all the raining that happened in the last few weeks, and the little bit of snow for about, I want to say 10 minutes, there is no surprise the flora started growing again like mad. Unfortunately, it will heat up again and everything will dry out and possibly become fuel.

As the cycle goes around southern California.