Monthly Archive: May 2019


Comic Con Revolution ’19

This was my first time doing this convention, and the first time I was inside the Ontario convention center. though a bit small, it’s a pretty nice looking place. And I have to say, the lights in the exhibit hall were pretty good. I’m finding myself rather happy with how they come out.

I would say I got a nice set of photos for the amount of time I was there, which was most of the day. I also recorded a couple of short videos of friends being silly, because that’s always awesome.

Would do again.


Leaving LB Pride ’19

Well, this ended up being a good weekend. On saturday I was in Ontario for Comic Con Revolution, and sunday I was in Long Beach Pride. I got a lot of photos coming up during this week, so brace yourself for them. Most from pride, which is what I am always looking forward to returning because of how wild it always is.

But for now, Just showcasing myself on my way home from that wonderful madness.


The Need for Reproductive Rights

The fight over reproductive rights has been raging on pretty hard lately because of states like Alabama and Ohio working on passing messed up laws when it comes to abortion. Unfortunately the “prolife” crowd are listening to idiots that either don’t know what the hell they are talking about, or are straight up lying.

Somethings to clear up, post birth abortions are not a thing! Late term is only legal in dire cases! and an ectopic pregnancy has to be aborted, it’s not possible to plant a fertilized egg to a uterus in such a situation! Also the entire “prolife” movement never started as a fight against abortion, but that of birth control because church leaders want churches filled up more. That and they want more bodies to send to war. Also, have you ever notice how so many “prolife” leaders are church leaders? and how many church leaders themselves have been exposed to being #sexual #predators? Gee, you wonder if their is a connection? Now, do the followers understand what they might be unknowingly supporting?

Further more, if you see a person hanging around some place displaying their morbid signs, find a way to get them to admit they are being paid to do this. I got this chick to while in Moorpark while trolling her buddies and eating a sandwich in front of them over 10 years ago. Oh, and try to record them saying it too.


Where Ever I May Romani

In the wild world of the internet, people post crazy memes that sometimes make no sense. Now and then you find something that catches your attention because of a claim about how something doesn’t look familiar to you. For example, no place in LA looks like that.

Now, yes, there is a homeless problem, that I think we are doing a poor job at taking care of. Yet we can look at models like that of what was done in Utah, THAT WORKED, and make it national.

Now, often some people complain about migrants and refugees coming into a new country, and not assimilating with the local customs and such. Which is oddly enough something I’ve seen happen most of my life. Hell, turns out more often than not, even invaders will learn about other cultures and take elements they like and incorporate it to their way of life. Genghis Khan is an example of just that.


Ready for Launch

Old sports photo of mine from a Volleyball game in Moorpark. I have to say, womens is more exciting then mens because I really enjoyed watching them serve the ball. How they toss the ball so hit into the air, leap so high and BOOM, right over the net.


Look Out Pikachu!

With Detective Pikachu currently out in theaters, which I’ll likely see it after it comes on home media. There is a promotion for the movie where you can have photobombs of Detective Pikachu when you take a photo of a pokemon on Pokemon Go out in the wild. Or in this case, a Haunter in a hospital.

Because ghosts!


Long Beach Pride ’19

Pride season has returned, and oh my god it took long enough. And it’s first stop is Long Beach this coming weekend. I’ll be down there on my blades, taking photos, and maybe some video of the insane awesomeness of this party.

I don’t know what will be going on against this year, but you know what, that’s just part of the fun of it all.



So here I am, in yet another show, Single Parents. The scene is where one of the characters of the show is at a metal show where she meets he baby daddy. I’m one of the people at the show and pretty much the most of you see of my is my hair, while I’m head banging. I had a feeling I was going to be well hidden, but glad I at least slightly thrashed about enough to where I can see myself.