Monthly Archive: May 2020


That’s Umm, Wrong.

It says I have over 9,000 achievement points but he number right above says otherwise. You know what, I’ll take it anyways.


Throwback Set 1

I got it all done. Well, a two days ago I did. I know I wold pull it off, but some of the harder tasks were to catch a very specific type of pokemon. One was to catch an electric type but it would not show up for a day. Only reason I got it was because I saw one pop up at a raid battle and got it from there. And the big reward at the end, a Mewtwo.


This Weeks New Spot

This is what quarantine does to you, makes it so you have a lack of content and you most of the photos you take with the SLR are of the calico. I could have been at Ru Pauls DragCon last weekend. This is driving me kind of crazy, but at least I’m not as bad as the protesters.


Breaking the Law, Breaking the Law

So on my walk to a local pokegym to leave a pokemon behind and get points form it, there is this trailhead. There was tape placed on it to inform people not to go hiking here, and even had a sign put in place basically saying, not to ever. And yet I also saw people either going up, or down from the hill.

Really, do you want the rona? because this is how you could get the rona!


Throwback Challenge

New fun stuff has been added to pokemon go. As of now there are a new set of special tasks that are only active for a week based on the first generation pokémon games. I’m stuck on this one set because electric types don’t seem to exist at all right now.