Monthly Archive: September 2020


Medusa Strikes

While playing warcraft I was heading to a rare mob for a world quest, only to find someone killed them just before I got there, and turned them to solid stone. That sure is an interesting position.


Look At the Stars

And how they shine for you… In one of the major cities in world of warcraft and I guess after you turn in a certain low level, but still major story line quest the sky box changes from clouds to stars and even a galaxy.


Red Sun

Through out the west coast there have been a lot of fires. So much that the sky has been covered in smoke for miles and miles on out, and even made the sky orange in places like San Francisco. It isn’t a good idea to walk around outside for awhile because the air quality is so bad you can almost taste it. So far it’s better in my area this week, but still kind of bad.


Well, Nevermind

Last month I made a post about my web host contacting me to help make my site better. I looked at the themes they provided and nothing really fit what I had in mind to put together. They were pretty much front pages but I wanted what is essentially a blog like layout to be the main page but wasn’t provided. Figured I’ll just cancel it soon but I waited to long and they switched the database so kind of my fault. Then when I got it back I forgot do some code change to wordpress so I called them up and they helped me out again. They have been a good host for me.


Glad That’s Fixed

While ago when blizzard set the pre-patch event on the PTR server the face of this character had no texture. Well, that’s no longer a problem so I’m glad once this goes live I won’t be bugged the entire time.


Meganium – 100

Caught myself a Chikorita the other day with a 100% IV (individual value), meaning I can make it the most powerful it can possibility become. And I did that, fully evolved it, gave an extra attack and set it to the max CP (combat power).


Wowhead Logo

A Warcraft news and guide site I often goto, Wowhead is holding a contest to make your own version of their logo. They gave outline files to start with and you just color it in. They choose their winners randomly so there is no actual judging. But because I can I wanted to put some kind of effort to it using a color scheme based on the logo using colors found in it, for the newest Warcraft expansion coming up next month, Shadowlands. I got to see some other other submissions and I do happen to like much of what I see. Hope I’m picked as a winner.


Take A Rest

The last few days have been really hot. I got up to 117 in my area so you know that all kinds of sucks. I went to the poke stop near my place for the day before it reached the high watch at the time was still over 110. Walking back I see this butterfly land in the shade I guess to cool off. Wish I could give it something to drink. I seen after took off on it’s own.


State Run News

Recently a story break about something Trump said about fallen troops from World War I. Given his history I wouldn’t be surprised if it was real. Then Fox News chimed in and also said it was real. Then I came across jokes about how trump now hates fox news fully and is only going to the “Orange America News.” This sounded like a fun little design to make.

I decided to replace the vector eagle image with the head of an angry trump, then turned the ‘O’ into not just an orange, but one from a tree at my place that only grows mutated oranges that never actually ripen. Plus I still remember the John Oliver segment he did ripping on the outlet talking about why they suck.

Super Mario Bros: Direct 0

Super Mario Bros: Direct

The first Mario Bros game come out 35 years ago. One of my favorite games as a kid then when I beat it on my own I felt like I really accomplished something. I would say my first game that I was really into was Pacman, but Mario was far more interesting to me in every way. Now Nintendo has announced a bunch of new games from the series that I’m sure I’ll end up playing some of.