Monthly Archive: April 2022



While on my way to set wrongfully early this morning, There was something in the road that I hit. Looked like a bumper form another car. It caused some damage to mine and dragged...


Wondercon ’22 – Day 1

My first con for the year, and I went rather well. I left kind of early that day because I also had to be on set by 5:45, but it worked out in the...


Work In Progress

After 3 days at Wondercon, I need sleep. A lot of photos to come but for now here is an old photo I got while the new Wilshire Grand was under construction.

A-Train At Wondercon 0

A-Train At Wondercon

Ran into a buddy of mine at the convention yesterday, promoting another con, Loscon. He’s told me about it before but never had the chance to go. But I still believe promoting it should...