Monthly Archive: August 2022



When you are out and about and see this display for movie that recently came out, but more fun.


Through the Fire

That awkward moment when you are heading out after a basketball game, then suddenly some guy gets hit by a car, and it turns out you are on the show, All Rise. I was...


Why Are You Doing This?

No, no, just, no, who do you think you are? Sending me a message asking for me to hook you up with anyone when I have no bloody clue who you are, first of...



An old cat of mine, when she would sit down in such a way, I would say she is loafing. In fact I often said she did the perfect loaf. Now, cat loafing is...


Skating Photog

I know I posted video like this long ago, but I wanted to do a new version with the much better phone I have now. And recorded in viewing format more tiktok friendly. And...


Who Are You?

That awkward moment you get a random text message with, bonus photo, and you know there is something suspect about it. So I did a reverse search on the photo and this was one...