Monthly Archive: June 2023


San Francisco Pride ’23

I know I’ve mentioned before I’ve been wanting to goto San Francisco Pride for years because I’ve always heard it’s crazy. I’m kind of on the fence about it this year, and leaning more...


Hollywood Carnival ’23

After a few years, 2019, the parade of bands is back! There are of course other events connected for the weekend but this is what I’m looking forward to most. The parade will be...


LA Pride Parade ’23 – Set 3

Last set of photos. Just some more photos from the parade, and the street fair happening on blvd. Plus shout out to Suerox for the drink that was really good. And to Roar Organic...


LA Pride Parade ’23 – Set 2

More photos from he parade. It was also a surprisingly cool day, like it has been all month. In fact why has it so cold here around LA most of the year? Anyways, one...


LA Pride Parade ’23 – Set 1

I got a lot of photos, and I had a really good time. I was in the parade with the LA LGBT Center. It took place in Hollywood, which turns out was apparently the...


LA Pride at the Park ’23

This was unexpected. Saturday a friend messaged me asking if I was free at the moment. I said yes, turned off Warcraft, and got myself ready to goto the pride festival just outside downtown....


Blessed Friend

My friend Karagan was also blessed by the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence. Once again, I want to thank for for being a good assistant. But I always want to use this post to give...


Q-Con ’23

Next weekend, my friends at Prism Comic will be holding their 2nd annual Q-Con in West Hollywood. Some people I know who will be there asked if I will be to and decided, sure....


Fortunate Son

That award moment you are in your time traveling adventures in the 1960’s around some dentistry graduation ceremony and it turns out you are in an episode of the Disney Plus show, Muppets Mayhem....


WeHo Pride ’23 – Set 3

Last set of photos from last weekend. Yeah, I had a good time. After the parade ended I pretty much did my usually thing and walked upend down the street, but this time much...