Monthly Archive: August 2023


Weather Over There

I’m flying out in the morning, and decided to see how messed up hot AND humid it’s going to be for DragonCon. Temperature wise that doesn’t look to awful, but humidity will be over...


Crowned Pikachus

A new limited time event happened in Pokemon Go, and we got pikachus with crowns. That was really something. The last one I needed was the blue one. But anyways, a few more days...


Netflix Picket

Now the photos are online. I came down with a friend whole me is also an actor and has been wanting join me at one of the protests and we finally got the chance...


Long Beach Comic Con ’23

First all, as I’m writing this it hit me I was at another WG/SAG protest today, and forgot to edit the photos. I had a long day, and I had to rest some, so...



Another photo from after the storm. Yeah, there was a lot rain for a day. It’s all gone now but still humid here. It’s been over 50% and I’m pretty sure it will be...


Dragoncon ’23

Next week I’ll be flying into Atlanta once again for Dragoncon. I had so much fun last year I just felt like I should do this again, at least one more time. I’m going...


Storm Aftermath

Well, that was weather. Honestly I was expecting more excitement on my end. After I woke in the morning there was some wind and the humidity was high, you can definitely feel moisture in...


LA During Hurricane Hilary

Yeah, I went there, as she is also coming for us. I’m weirdly excited about this and I have no idea why. This is entirely a first for me too. I took care of...


Hurricane Hilary

This is unusual for socal, very unusual. I know I’ve been in at least one, but that was when I was living in Hawaii at the time and to young to remember any of...


Disney Picket

After some delay, I finally got do a protest at Disney. We had some the cast and crew from the show, Warrior, and Patton Oswalt. We also get Bling Bling Dumpling there, and I...