Monthly Archive: December 2023


IG Top 9 of ’23

The year is about to end, and here are my top posts on instagram. Along with some other info that I’m not sure is necessary but whatever. The top post with over 8,000 likes...


Hotel Beach Line

Because of the environment in Hawaii, agriculture is a pretty big business. All kinds of stuff can be grown here like pineapples, coffee, and other fruits and vegetables, all year. But another major industry...


Anime Los Angeles ’24

Coming next week starting thursday, the first event and convention of the year. Anime Los Angeles, at the Long Beach Convention Center. I’ll of course be there, with camera in hand.



Cats like Christmas, simple as that. When you start opening things up, they find boxes and just crawl into them. They also like to play with the paper after it was ripped up.


Waikiki Beach

I’m sure I mentioned this before but it’s been a long time since I was in Hawaii. I was a kid last time I was there, and of all the times I’ve been here...


Holiday Psyduck

A couple of new limited time set of tasks came up on Pokemon Go. So out of my massive boredom because it’s the holidays, of course I took care of it pretty fast. And...


Comfort Zone

I have this sitting pad at my place. Not sure where it came from but I put down some place and the calico like it. Didn’t take her long to find it too. It’s...


A Closer Look

At the Banyan Tree while in Hawaii. It’s a pretty big tree and as cool as it looks in a wide shot, you want to look in to got some further details. Anyways I...


Missed Deliverly

Scammers really do try me. Do they not know who I am? I didn’t order anything either. Not sure whats in the link I was sent but I’m sure it would require you to...


Pigeon Loaf

While in Hawaii. Something I’ve often said about an old cat of mine is she did what I thought was the prefect loaf. Fast forward to here, this pigeon just chilling, like nothing big...