Tagged: battle


Thats got to be a hack

I kept seeing the druid in front being followed around by the others and doing the same exact things as each other. They would swarm a person and take them out in two hits. Or at least I took two hits with my Blood Elf Paladin. I got my revenge soon enough.


LA Pillow Fight ’12 Photos… Yeah, it happened!

Very strange day that ended up entertaining. So I went over to Pershing Square incase some people didn’t know the event was canceled to let them know about it but the security guys there told everyone that it is in fact at The Cornfield. So I rode up with a group and we decided to see what was up over there and a park ranger came out and let us know we can’t have the pillow fight for the reason that if feathers start littering the ground everyone could be cited. SO what we ended up doing was parking at a mostly empty lot near a nearby gold line station and having a little battle there. Some more people came in and joined in the battle and it ended up being a lot of fun.

This was the afternoon of reckoning!

More photos on LA Weekly from Nanette Gonzales

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LA Pillow Fight ’12

So I made a flyer for this event coming up in about 2 weeks. So can’t wait. It was going to be at Pershing Square but they had to move it because they planted new grass in the area and didn’t want to trampled on right away. This new area I guess known as The Cornfield very much looks bigger and should be a lot of fun still. Let battle be joined.

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Bubble Battle L.A. 2011

Coming event this saturday at Pershing Square in downtown. I guess some people in New York are doing the same thing, and you know we here in LA have to out crazy them. I found it as a facebook event and can’t find it posted as anything else anywhere. be sure to join anyways, looks like fun.

Let Battle be joined