Milian Block Party ’15
A few days ago Christina Milian posted an announcement on her page about a Block party she is doing at her store she recently opened up. Food, drinks, activities and there was also entertainment. A cat walk, DJ and other performers. I got there and it was a bit smaller then I had expected in some ways, but also more things going on in such a small space but didn’t feel to crowded. I talked to her real shortly and wanted to get a photo with Christina but the poor girl is being pulled all over the place because they were also recording for her reality show.
I left at about 4:30 and though it was nice, I was kind of disappointed about something go feel I was misled on. The announcement did say free food, drinks, activities, but in order to get to the food or drink you have to buy a wrist band. Though you also got you a raffle ticket, but I wasn’t interested in that. I don’t know perhaps Christina or her sister who I also talked will get back to me on that, they should have my info and know how to contact me. And I also hope they like the photos.
And if you happen to be in the area, be sure to check the store out.