Box of Mac n’ Cheese
I’ve always remembered people complaining about how hard these things are to open.
I’ve always remembered people complaining about how hard these things are to open.
I also had the power go out at my place for a while but all was well anyways.
I just happened to of seen these kids playing with boxes. Camera phone for the save.
yeah, camera phone shot so that explains why it looks kind of crappy. I can’t always have the SLR on me all the times you know.
I still say he looks like a girl. During the Redbull Soupbox Race last year.
yes, photos are finally up. i know, i take to long but i’m not on a computer all day. plus i got back home late last night after doing some other unexpected but rather entertaining things that i will post the photos for that later.
anywho, here are my shots from the race and everything. was fun and got a good spot to watch after the first two cars. next event I need to get a team together to help in promoting the site because i think i have like 3 or 4 people that come here now and then, and i just want to share my adventures with the world of what goes down around here in LA.
coming next week everyone. i’ll be there, rapture or not. so start you’re engines
alright then, this weeks winner is blar with…
Famous last words:
“I’m a eat this cricket.”
“Dude, no.”
“Don’t be a bitch, it’s not like it’ll kill me!”
now for this week, what happened here?