Tagged: Michael


Michael Jackson Birthday Flashmob ’12

So a friend of mine messaged me and asked if I can take photos of the two flash mobs she was doing sunday (the same day as the women’s rights march). The first one was in Venice in which I was in Hollywood at that time, and the other one was in Downtown at this park that seemed very new. Meant to post those way earlier but being way lazy again lately. It might be the heat.

I don’t have much else to say really, here you go.


MJ Tribute Flash Mob ’12

Alright, so I was at the gettipede today but because of the MASSIVE amount of photos I have to post that tomorrow. But for now here are some other photos I got today at city walk of a flash mob around the anniversary of the death of Michael Jackson. A friend of mine that was dancing at that asked if it was possible I can stop by and get some shots at that. At first I thought there might of been a time conflict but turned out there wasn’t so I figured I should have time to do both. And I did. Sadly by the time I got there it was already going but at least I got something.

Needs more metal

David Blaine is a Douche 0

David Blaine is a Douche

a video i made a while ago that i thought i posted, i guess not. for anyone that watches Dancing with the Stars you should stop now because it sucks. the reason is the one cool person on it was the first person voted off, Michael Catherwood (aka Psycho Mike). oh well, this is a video i made for a song he did to make fun of david blaine for a special he did on TV awhile ago. i just put it all together for fun really. enjoy