Tagged: Video

Gamer Boy 0

Gamer Boy

A friend of mine posted something bout being being pissed off about the fact some people view gamer girls as those that occasional like to bite at their game controllers, not believing they really do play stuff like Halo, Resident Evil, and Warcraft. Yes, they are for real, and I’ve hung out with many of them to. But back on subject, just to be strange, because thats what I do I decided to do a camwhore like shot of myself biting a controller, because I’m baller like that.

Raid on LRH Way – LA 0

Raid on LRH Way – LA

Yeah, here is that video of the guy that come out trying to insult us and saying we where harassing him. Well, we did make fun of him some.

Behold! 0


Now to make some strange videos. Just need to figure out what first.

Pedobear – Furry and I Know It 0

Pedobear – Furry and I Know It

A video made by a friend of mine as a parody of the LMFAO song “Sexy and I Know It”. You see me in it, and I helped out holding the little speakers playing the music that everyone was dancing to, but I was off camera during that. This was done during Anime Expo and I have been waiting for over a month to see it and now it is online so check it out. Also I can’t wait for some news station to start talking about this video, you have no idea how hard I will be laughing if they do. I know they used one of my videos for two different stories before. And before anyone starts saying “oh, that guy’s a pedo!” no he’s not, He just has a strange sense of humor like me and he makes comedic costumes.

007 Legends Art 0

007 Legends Art

While at Comic Con a guy that what I believe was the Activision booth gave this to me. I have no idea why so don’t ask but what is it is I guess some concept art for the new coming Bond game 007 Legends which I will not be able to play being I don’t use a Windows Computer nor do I have an Xbox or Playstation. Oh well, might as well share with you guys anyways. Still neat and cool of that guy. Sadly I have no idea what to do with it.

Anime Expo Protester 0

Anime Expo Protester

I’ve done AX 6 times already, never before have I seen protesters during it so I decided to ask one of them for his story. I’m sure this will confuse some of you.

Scott Ramsoomair Interview 0

Scott Ramsoomair Interview

A little video I did at Anime Expo with the creator of the web comic VGCats. I know, kind of crappy but I do what I can. And be sure to check out his site to, it has cats and stuff.

Chinese New Year Video 0

Chinese New Year Video

Done by a friend of mine that was also there. I should have my photos up sometime later today. But for now enjoy fun little video.