Tagged: warcraft


Molten Corgi

So I have my warcraft account active again. Ten days, and once I got on this happened. Totally forgot about it but that’s cool I have the little guy. I remember after my last dog died I wanted to get a Corgi, likely because they seem as if they are really cool dogs. Though, it might also have to do with the anime Cowboy Bebop, which there was a Corgi on it named Ein. But the two dog I have now, I like anyways, and they like me. I know this because of how often they like to lick my face.

And remember, gifting game time is always awesome.


Tell me, How do I look.

With the new Warcraft expansion coming out, Blizzard has updated the character models for everyone and is doing a promotion to bring people back in the game by offering 7 days free. (and for European players) Of course I’m going to take advantage of that. I have to say, not sure I’ve ever looked so ferocious. Currently my main is level 73 so lets see how fast I can bring him to level 90. I hope I can do this before time is up.

and remember, you can still donate game time.


How do you Fight a Monster?

Really, I was playing Hearthstone because I couldn’t sleep, and while I was playing against some guy, he put this down, then two other cards which doubled it’s health. And yes I did lose this match.

The Twilight Skymaster 0

The Twilight Skymaster

The quest did bug some when the one wyvern took off but another was for some strange reason in place. I know, low rez but I have it fixed so the next video I record will be better. For the quest The Twilight Skymaster.


Terror of Outland

I actually reactivated my WoW account last week, but it’s for 10 days taking advantage of the fact blizzard lets you demo the next expansion if you don’t have it yet. So far I’m enjoying myself because I haven’t played since april and I get to conquer the place once again. Now remember, if you wish to buy me some game time of World of warcraft, you can always gift it.