Tagged: world

Want a Ride? 0

Want a Ride?

Just a little more experimenting with World of Warcraft models in photoshop.

Yeah, he just, died this way… 0

Yeah, he just, died this way…

Laying down oddly on this burning wooden pyre. Also the Gettipede is tomorrow, It should be fun so head over and check it out. Today was long for me and I’m going to bed early tonight. Yes, 11pm PST is early for me.


No World Order huh?

Now and then I see some strange flyers posted around. I’m sure some day they will understand they are being paranoid over nothing.

The End is Here 0

The End is Here

I ment to do this last week but of course, lazy still, sorry. I’m working on it to get better, just don’t know whats wrong with me. in the mean time enjoy.


Jesus is Lord huh?

So i was coming out of the subway station in Hollywood last week and I thought i was in Koreatown for a moment, likely because i’ve often found many Koreans to also be Christian. I’ve often find them to be pleasant still, still nutty, but pleasant. One of them handed me a little booklet saying “believe in Jesus and you’ll be saved.” Yes, I believe the fact the guy might have existed but not by that name.

Anywho, added 5 new photos here, they are the ones on the bottom of the page. enjoy


Judgement Day

After the soapbox race in downtown i went to hollywood because i knew some entertainment would have been going on over there. little did i know i was going to run in to this so i ran up to them took some photos and hung with them for a bit, had some fun.

now i’m going to experiment with something here, as we all know have made my crappy little gallery system for viewing photos on the site that is a pain in the ass for me to do because it is mostly manual and takes a long time so i’m going to test imgurs system to see how it works out for me.

now time to be judged