Monthly Archive: July 2014


What are they Fighting for Again?

So the debate has come up again and as always people take sides. If you ask me both sizes are being a problem and do nothing but fuel each others hatred by attacking each other all the time. But then again it is the middle east and all people seem to care about is fighting each other over there as they always have. I don’t know, should we just leave them to their own devices and let everyone finish each other off?



I have my video from Anime Expo ready, I just don’t want to post it up yet so I just made this real quick. The goth kids on South Park would be so sad to learn about this.

Breaking Toilet 0

Breaking Toilet

I’ve been wanting to do this video for a while and now it has happened.

Also, if any of you decide to make a video like this it is best you take safety in mind and do so on your own property because otherwise you could get yourself in trouble. And be sure to clean up well and use gloves during pick up, I did give myself a small cut from that.


When Away from Facebook for a few days…

Like I was during AX when I only got to see a few things, here is when I did after getting home from it all. I just placed the stapler here on the end key and it just kept scrolling down and loading more. It took a day to finally finish, while also doing a few other things at my place and editing photos.


Anime Expo ’14 – Photos

EDIT: All Anime Expo combined into one post, with a link to the album on facebook. Here is what each post said on their own pages. I know, it’s not much at all. Day...