Monthly Archive: August 2014

Kittens Attack Banana 0

Kittens Attack Banana

It’s been awhile since I recorded another video of them. And yes, they have gotten big. As of posting this the video is still being processed. Not sure why it’s taking so long.


Terror of Outland

I actually reactivated my WoW account last week, but it’s for 10 days taking advantage of the fact blizzard lets you demo the next expansion if you don’t have it yet. So far I’m enjoying myself because I haven’t played since april and I get to conquer the place once again. Now remember, if you wish to buy me some game time of World of warcraft, you can always gift it.

Cutting Hair 3: Strikes Back 0

Cutting Hair 3: Strikes Back

After taking so long to upload, the video is now online.

So, this happened again after 2 years and 5 months. My hair grows so fast. Not as exciting the last videos but I like how things came out. Been wanting to cut my hair again for a while and it feels good to have it short again. Now, time for batch 5.


Time to Reveal

Yeah, I cut my hair, just over a week ago to. The last one I had before was 2 years, 5 months ago. And yes, there is video.


Black Tie Beach ’14 Photos

I have to say, this year was better then last. We had more people, the day was rather nice, and I wasn’t still feeling like crap after being sick last year (I was still in recovery from something that hit me hard last year). Sadly I was later then I had originally wanted but luckily everyone knew where to go and were easy to find. Good thing I did a bit of scouting before to figure out the right place to set up. Most of the people there were new and they said that might of been the most fun they’ve had at the beach.

Though something strange that happened during it was we all saw these strange blue creatures in the water and washing up on shore and I had never seen anything like it. Turns out, this is something thats been happening on our shores for a while. I thought they were jellyfish because they looked like they might of been but turns out they are not.

Well, I enjoyed myself, and can only hope next year will be bigger.


ALA Picnic ’14

I had just heard about it and decided to join in knowing some other friends of mine would be there who have not seen me in awhile to show them a nice little surprise. DOn’t worry, there will be photos of that surprise coming for those that do not know as of yet.

but, for now.


Robin Williams

When it comes to the death of a person I tend not to feel much about it. Yet when I learned about the death of Robin Williams I actually found myself kind of sad. Possibly because I’ve always felt entertained by him growing up. Some of the things that have been bothering me about his death is first of all, the claims made on why he did so when I must ask, how do you know? And the news telling us how he did it. I don’t want to know this.

One issue talked about in his death was a possible depression he was suffering from and as we all know, Robin Williams always seemed like a fun and entertaining guy and made effort to make others feel better about themselves. Yet it is known that many people who act in such a way may be hiding something inside and are worried about the reaction everyone else will give. I can confirm this because I had the same problem through much of my life and it still lingers in me to this day. Yet, I do want people to know this about me, that I am damaged and I’m not sure I will ever get out of what is wrong with me. My reasoning why I want others to know is because in a way it’s therapeutic.

To me it’s also important my friends know this, that why I feel I’m being honest and that in some way I also feel I’m keeping them safe. But if you feel there is something wrong with you psychologically, don’t be afraid to let it out. And I really need to get myself to draw more.

People’s Reactions to my Hair 0

People’s Reactions to my Hair

I’m about ready to cut it off, and I’ve been wanting to do this for a while but I figure why not have a little fun with this. I wanted to got to a few other places but both of us had to take off at a certain time and not a lot of people wouldn’t talk back. Lame, oh well.