Monthly Archive: September 2014



Is this how everyone is treating employes that behave badly now? oh well.


And they say Drinking is Cheap.

I wonder if this bottle of whatever also works as a USB device? or makes some kind of super fuel? Perhaps it has advanced targeting systems to troll your enemies from afar?


What is Terrorism?

As we all know a lot of people talk about terrorism, and what groups out there are terrorists but what is terrorism? Lets look this up. Now if I check on the dictionary on my computer I get this.

terrorism |ˈterəˌrizəm| noun
the use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims.

and you can see other definition on, The FBI’s website, and a number of others using google.

Read more here


Do I Even Want to Know?

It’s like, two bears about to fight each other, and some kids trying to hold one of them back that I’m sure is saying “come at me bro!” Anyone know what this even means?


Can I prove something doesn’t exist?

Last night I come across a video from some guy being insanely stupid, and makes assumptions about people he doesn’t even like. No surprise. Even less surprising is the fact he mentions Hitler and how atheists can’t condemn him for the millions killed. Way to make things up as you go. Why doesn’t he just read the bible, and the featured god in it that not only killed millions of humans along with other animals, but also orders their deaths. And wonder why so many people are willing to justify such actions.


How do you Fight a Monster?

Really, I was playing Hearthstone because I couldn’t sleep, and while I was playing against some guy, he put this down, then two other cards which doubled it’s health. And yes I did lose this match.

Preacher Lady on Subway 0

Preacher Lady on Subway

So this happened while I was riding the subway the other day. At least she wan’t being entirely rude to everyone, just loud.