Monthly Archive: November 2014


Ready for Bent-Con

This will be my first time at Bent-Con. I have to also say, this has been a good con year for me. I was at ALA at the beginning of the year, as a surprise to everyone that I tricked into believing I won’t. Cosplay Con, which was rather far east, away from LA the next month. Wondercon in April. Long Beach Comic Expo at the very end of May. Tried and failed to get in E3, but at least I still got some stuff outside, and got to play some other games still while in the area connected to the event. Held conquest during Anime Expo. Showed off my long hair for the last time, for awhile at Comic Con in San Diego. Invaded the Long Beach Comic Con, also held by the same people doing the comic expo in the same location. And last right after Halloween rampaged through Comikaze.

I can’t believe this will be my last convention for the year. I really went crazy, and can only hope to do more next year.


What is this Strange Place

So while I was playing Diablo 3, I find myself killing some kind of strange goblin that spawned this unusual looking portal which transported me to this bizarre land. I soon found myself to be attacked by flowers, teddy bears, unicorns and left them to be a bloody mess. It was scary but fun.

My First Vine 0

My First Vine

I recorded this awhile ago and happen to be just putting this online now. What took me so long?


Comikaze ’14 – Photos

After my night in West Hollywood getting rained out, I went out the next day for more at the LA Convention Center for Comikaze. I would of went down on the first day, friday but I wanted to get myself ready for the night first, and it would of been a hassle getting back to my place and then head back out again. I got there later then I wanted because my bus and train decided they wanted to be 30 minutes late, each, but none the less, I meet with a friend and headed down to see everything that is happening. I would definitely say it’s getting bigger and I kind of like that because of how interactive it seems to be with people.

Plus the giant stage in back were everyone comes up to to hold panels and the cosplay contests seems to help.

Also I was there as Timmy Turner, once again.


West Hollywood Halloween ’14 Photos

Finally, after that long wait they are online. I was also at Stan Lee’s Comikaze today which would explain why it took so long. I went down going as Green Lantern this year, something I’ve been wanting to do since 2010, before the movie came out with Ryan Renolds, figuring it knowing the movie is coming out the next year and with everyone knowing who that is and likely not thinking of it would work out. But was Jesus instead that year. Then Hesher, then Loki, then last year Timmy Turner which I’ve been wanting to do for even longer.

Before heading down I knew all to well that it was going to rain, but expected it to be light and not only for a short time, and I was right, for a while tip it started falling hard at around 11 and did so for a good while. We decided to take off a bit early because of it, mainly because of how much harder it would be to take photos. But over all it was a good night.

I just hope it doesn’t rain next year.