Monthly Archive: June 2015


So I’m in this Movie…

That is friend is currently involved in making. I died. But I have to say, it’s harsh being out for such a thing because of how bright was. So missed my sunglasses when they were off.


Nūdisuto Bīchi

While at the beach with some local cosplayers, I wasn’t surprised to see this. There is an anime called Kill la kill, which I have seen one episode of and in it there is a paramilitary organization called, Nudist Beach, and yes, this is kind of what they look like in the anime. Not kidding. I should try to find time to watch more of it because it seemed kind of funny, and stuff with gun fights, close quarters combat, and explosions are also, always cool.


Then I hear a Name

This was while I was at the beach saturday, nearby there was an event being held by a group involved with something known as National Animal Rights Day. While that was going on, I hear a name that I know well, from over 300 feet away over the speakers of a local spoken word poet. I walked over and there he is. I got a few quick shots and after he was done I came back and talked to him of a bit.

It’s funny because I didn’t even know this event before as going on and I happened to of been nearby, and discovered a friend of mine was there as it was happening. Sometimes the world seems so small.


Some people are SLOWWWW…

Really, the movie has been out, why get excited for something we all have seen weeks ago? and already enjoyed? Far to many of these kind of pages infest peoples Facebook feed.