Monthly Archive: August 2015


Where you From Homie?

The Depths, I raise from them, and eat you all! I’m sure many of you know of the movie, Straight Outta Compton, coming out and to me it looks like it could be pretty good. I’m not going to see it right away, because most movies I don’t anyways. But out of my curiosity, I always known about the album, Straight Outta Compton, but never listened to it because it never crossed my mind to. I did so, and I thought was pretty good. To me is was cleaver, had some humor in it and felt very honest. But what was sad is that they were talking about a world they live in and how messed up it is. Much of South LA, including Compton is not exactly a please you want to roam around willingly but from what I understand, it’s better then it once was back in the 80’s and 90’s. Should I also mention I mainly listen to heavy metal.

Now I can admit I’ve walked around Compton myself because I have a friend that used to live there, and I have gone down to meet with them. Anyways, if you wish to make your own image, you can do so here. It’s been catching on it’s bring out some good stuff so far.


CicLAvia ’15 – Venice

I remember last time it went to Venice, it started in downtown and I skated all the way there. I wanted to get back to downtown before it had ended but there was no way I would make it before the streets opened up again. With luck I got to the expo line station before that could happen and just rode it back. I was so tired and with much of the road being rather unpaved my knees really killed me during the next day for doing that to myself. I hope it’s better this time as it starts in Culver City.


Why does this exist?

Is it because Baby Got Back is popular again? or does it have something to do with the Nicki Minaj song that sampled Sir Mix-a-Lot? I don’t know, I think she did kind of a crappy job at it.


Fact Checking isn’t Hard

Far to many people these days, I swear it can be a full time job. It’s exhausting. And you know, I wonder if it’s possible to get any of those shirts that talked about judgement day happening back in 2011. I also wonder how embarrassed those people must of felt when they saw nothing happened that day?


I Want that Lizard

They always see lizards running around, and they always chase after them. It’s funny seeing how hard they try, but become sad when they see how easily the cats are able to catch them, which I then have to rescue.