Monthly Archive: October 2015


Birthday Dogs

They had cupcakes earlier this week, and got this one trying to eat hers. It was funny watching her try with the hat on.


Digging your own Grave

So, I just killed you, and even has you labeled as a corpse, and I see you are digging. I, I really don’t know, but funny bug.


Simpsons did it…

Wait, no, they didn’t, at least not in the way some people are trying to convince everyone of to scare each other stupid.


Politicon ’15

I’ve been hearing ads for this on pandora and will be a go when it starts this coming weekend. Kind of excited because I’m really interested in what I might see while there.



Poor, poor old and handicapped. They are going to be eaten first. Well that would be easiest to catch.


We’ve got Big Balls

Currently floating around in MacArthur Park. Not sure why, but have been there for about two months and I finally got the chance to go by and check them out.