Monthly Archive: July 2016


San Diego Pride ’16

So, I went down here for the parade saturday with the Imperial Forces Rainbow Squad. Pretty much star wars fans and cosplayers promoting equality, the LGBT community and enjoying themselves. Left LA pretty early in the morning to get there, took a little while to find where to park, then a long wait for the shuttle bus to the start of the parade route, were one of the last groups to get on the route,all taking so long we finally got on and it as all good. I wore my yoda shirt saying “my finger, pull” and a lot of people liked us. Some of the parade watching come up and asked for photos of everyone in costume. Despite the heat, watching people show them love made them all very happy.

By the time we got we were done with the parade, most of us were tired, some wanted to remain and hang around (like) but those I drive down with wanted to head back. Over all, i enjoyed my day,and got a nice drink from someone promoting something called, Suja. It was also cold so that felt good. I”m glad I got to be in that parade again after all these years of missing out on it. Would do again.

But hopefully next year, I’ll hang around longer.


I Sleep Like This Now

My cats, really weird, and yet so funny. I’ll be heading down to San Diego in the morning for the Pride Parade. It’s been a along time coming. Was my first parade back in 2008 when I was with SoCal Anon. Can’t wait to join in this again.


We are Poolside…

Oh yeah, a Golfkon match happened, last weekend? or before? ok, it was before, I remember because that was the last day of Anime Expo and I was at this recording video. It was a good game, not a lot of people but I guess that event tends to be the least popular. Not sure why. Not a lot of photos I felt was worth posting because it’s pretty much the same kind of thing each time.

But this was different, being on the other side of an inflatable pool and I zoomed in all the want to look like I’m inside it.


But, But, Cancer

Apparently this image is going around saying B17 can help treat and prevent cancer. When I saw this claim my first thought was, “isn’t that cyanide?” Oh yes, it will help prevent treat and prevent cancer, by also killing you.

WoW Quest: Those Bears Up There 0

WoW Quest: Those Bears Up There

Is there anything more fun then grabbing bear cubs out of a tree and tossing them onto a trampoline below?

For awhile I couldn’t record any videos of Warcraft. Turns out it’s a really weird mac bug that hasn’t been fixed in years, but there is a slight work around using the in game recorder, and that’s to set the shadows to a low quality. You know, I’m ok with that sacrifice, and hopefully I’ll do some other fun videos of WoW quests again.


Pokemon GO! Teams

Anyone that is connected to the internet at all, should know about this mobile game that just came out. Because it’s been filling up our Facebook feeds. That and stories of police brutality, which once again seems to show itself as a major problem, and ended up causing the death of 5 Dallas officers. Really, the completely wrong way to deal with a problem. But I digress. Pokemon GO! From what I understand, if you reach level 5 on the game you can pick to be in one of 3 teams; Mystic, Valor, and Instinct. Sadly, because I don’t have a proper phone for the app, I have to use my iPod, and what ever wifi network around that I can in order to do something. So I’m yet a part of a team. But for fun I made this little, thing-a-ma-jig.


7/11 Day ’16

You know, I can make a new flyer, but I’m kind of lazy about it right now. Plus, I like how this one came out. I’ll be picking myself up one during the day, the rest of you should do the same, because why not?


Make Up Your Mind

First you want guns to be used, then you say don’t have one with cops, but before it all you encourage shooting at law enforcement? More so when defending a guy that was in fact breaking the law? what in the hell is going on here?