Monthly Archive: August 2016


Coming in Low

Looking through old photos and found this from a parade I was at. A photo was needed of some people in it and decided to get some more of it. Always found the whole hydraulics thing kind of cool.


Black Cat Appreciation Day ’16

I will never, be tired of showing the world my old girls. I had two black cats growing up, and I held them as they left me, and I will always be glad they were a part of my life. And as I always say, wish o got more photos of them, but I’m glad I got plenty still.


I Heard People Say It…

So it must be true. what the popular voice lie to us? Kind of the guys logic. That and his supporters. No one seems to fact check anything anyone says. As I’ve said before, it’s not hard. Thought, there are some sites you can check to help out some.



I was out in Santa Monica today to check something out, and as I got off the expo line walking towards the beach the sidewalk looked kind of interesting to me. There is kind of a wave like pattern with the bricks but as you look out it looks to be more straight. I don’t know if it was just me but found interesting.

Luke Cage 0

Luke Cage

DareDevil and Jessica Jones from Marvel and netflix was awesome, and this looks it’s going to give so much more awesome. I’ve often been a sucker for superhero stuff.



Last time I cut my hair was 2 years ago, and this is how fast it grows out. I do plan on cutting it again before the end of the year and I have a friend that wants me to cosplay Toki from Metalocalypse before that happens. Could be at Long Beach Comic Con next month incase I decide to cut it all off before halloween. We’ll see what happens.