Monthly Archive: December 2016


Dark Elf Ready and Waiting

Tomorrow is Santacon in Los Angeles, and I am way excited. The start location was revealed this morning to be at Barney’s Beanery in Santa Monica, on the 3rd Street Promenade. I suspected it would start around there, mainly because the Expo Line goes there now, and it was first used in 2012 after it opened going to Culver City. And since this is a metro year, I do expect us to also goto Downtown and/or Hollywood. Because why not? plenty of craziness to take part of in those areas.

If you can’t make it to Santa Monica in the morning, Follow the LASanta on twitter to keep up to date where we are to you can meet up with us.


Do Facts No Longer Matter?

It seems that way, I’ve had so many people say this same thing about trump and I keep posting this politifact link only for the response to be “I don’t read liberal rags” or something long the lines. I point out individual claims and they keep lying, or going of subject. What can a person do? Sometimes I have to start insulting them and they cry about it, all while I not only watch them insult others, but gleefully support a guy that spent so much his campaign insulting people.

Now yes, I’ve had to debunk some claims against trump before, so I do try to be honest and have as little bias as possible. I do believe i’m going to watch the south collapse.


Lose a Pair?

Not sure how those socks got there. I saw them while going down one of the red line station the other day. Didn’t have time to grab the good camera so I pulled my iPod out. Somethings you can’t help when going down an escalator.


Santacon ’16

While Club Cosplay gets itself ready for the final party, I’ll be at santacon for, pretty much the entire day. This year did have a massive amount of suck, much of the time, but knowing this is next week make me all kinds of happy. Then I just have to wait for the year to end.

But if you aren’t around Los Angeles, check to see if your city is also taking part. There, some are already doing so tomorrow so check right now and don’t miss out.


The Final Club Cosplay

Never had the chance to join in, won a ticket before, but wasn’t available to join in so I gave my it to a friend. And from the looks of it, I don’t think I’ll ever get the chance to because I’ll be out all day for Santacon. It’s always been in the plan, and it’s the last event I look forward to most every year. Plus the distance on where Club Cosplay is taking place at is pretty insane for me. But that doesn’t mean I don’t want it to go out with a bang.