Monthly Archive: April 2017


Jackfruit for Scale

While at the store I found these things. Never seen a jakefruit before, or even knew anything like it existed. Well, I put some bananas in the shot with it, for those that understand the joke. But, if you don’t, you do now.


Star Wars Land, As It Is

While going to wondercon last weekend, I got to see what this new part of disneyland in the works looks like so far from the parking structure a lot of people park at going to disneyland. Been a long time since i was inside the place myself, someday it will happen again, when i have money, and ticket cost goes down.


You are NOT the Savior

In a way, this can kind of upset the more conspiracy theorists type. So many people around who believe the world is all against them, which, is true in some sense but not like what so many people think. There are those who know how to play the game, and take advantage of others, but, there are way to use that against them. I haven’t done that successfully but eventually, I hope.


WonderCon ’17 Day 3 – Photos

Last day, I got there even earlier, and it was great. Got plenty more whackiness and found myself there for awhile after it all ended. I enjoyed my weekend, Not really a lot to say of what happened, because I was mainly taking photos and having with everyone, but ehh, that’s what I do. One thing I”m sad about is the Pillow Fight in Downtown was on saturday, so I had to miss that. But it was announced Wondercon next year will be a different weekend as the pillow fight, so there is joy in that.

Well, till next year, now waiting for the next party.


Who Is Mikey Mike?

I saw this flyer in downtown, Pretty sure this is from one kind of movie. Waiting to hear more about this so i know whats going on.