Monthly Archive: November 2018

Art Prints for Mental Illness 0

Art Prints for Mental Illness

My Gf asked if I can post this on my site for her. So I did, because I’m there for my women when ever I can be.

The purpose of the Kickstarter campaign is for funding for highly quality art and quality framing. I also would like to begin creating a mobile and device tracker that focuses on mental health. There are some out there but a lot focus on 2-3 mental health conditions. Ideas I have so far is the device is battery operated to last for about 6 months, automatically syncs, calendar and reminders for appointments and medication, sensitivity to stress, and your heart rate plays a factor. This could possibly be a game changer but really need the funding to begin the process. At the end of the day, I want to help as many people I can especially those with this “invisible illness” and eliminate this stigma.
To support the campaign please visit this link.

If you would like to buy a print: message me at for details.


LA Comic Con ’18 – Photos – Day 3, Part 2

At long last, all photos are online. Oh my god, finally, after all of that. Wow, that feels so much better. I honestly have no idea what else to say. And now that it’s november, it’s going to be a long month because not a lot happens. But the next thing to look forward to, the last big and awesome thing I get excited for every year, Santacon. Just be sure it’s happening in a city near you. I know it is for me.

And now, the final set to enjoy.


Voted ’18

Well, this midterm election didn’t go entirely as I hoped, But it’s an improvement at least. I’m feeling a bit hopeful again. We are going to have some hard times still, but I believe some sense of sanity has been restored.

I took a photo of the back of my iPad to get this. Yeah, I was trying to figure out what to take a photo of my sticker on, and when I saw the name engraved on, I knew that was it.


LA Comic Con ’18 – Photos – Day 3, Part 1

And finally photos from the last day on LA Comic Con. Well, half of them. The rest will be up soon. As the day went, I walked around, took photos, and also did an interview with Legion M. Not sure when that video will be coming since the audio was recorded on a phone that I was going to edit into the video, messed up some how, so a fix is being worked by my GF on with what I have.

Can’t wait to see how that comes out.

Warcraft III: Reforged 0

Warcraft III: Reforged

Well, I did not see this coming. With Blizzcon happening right now, and wishing I was there, I got to see the opening ceremony online, which they do, and they reviled some new stuff (and renewed) for World of Warcraft, Diablo, and this which was a surprise. I’ve been a fan of warcraft since I played the second game as a kid, back in the 90’s. And that was what got into Blizzard games.

I very much want to see how this is come out, and most excited for the map editor. Is that strange to say?

Also, sidenote, the rest of the Halloween and LA Comic Con photos are coming. Stay tuned.


WeHo Halloween ’18 – Photos – Part 1

I am very much happy with my photos this time around. Since getting the new camera I couldn’t figure out how so many photos where coming out dark and it hit me what I was doing wrong. Also despite the absolute sheer about a people there, it’s still kind of hard to get a lot of photos, for some odd reason. Yet, I got so many more this year then before. So much I’m making two posts.

I was there as the Devil, and my GF gave me the idea for it. There was one thing I was missing which was the pitchfork, but unfortunately it was a difficult item to find. I was able to make do with what I have. And when I encountered another devil I would often say to them “Hello me!” and had created entertaining interactions, for the most part.

Such a good night. Stay tuned for the rest.