Monthly Archive: November 2018


Under Cover

God, I enjoy taking photos of her a little to much. God, I enjoy taking photos of her a little to much. And we found a place in Downtown that had a flat, white wall. Made for taking certain photos much easier.

Aquaman Trailer 0

Aquaman Trailer

Oh please, please, please, please, be a good movie. DC, you lucked out with Wonder Women, which I was very much looking forward to for years before, and was very happy with how that come out. I believe in you to out doing Justice League.


Dude, Whoa

Some squirrels are just as fascinated with certain objects or happening just like us. We just don’t always see it.


Building a Fountain

Though, I’m pretty sure there shouldn’t be some water coming out of the pipe as work is being done. Supposedly.


That’s a Bit Close

So, I fire was getting bit close to me recently. I was at home during the time, and walked out for some reason then looked over to see all this smoke. Luckily it didn’t take to long to deal with.


RIP Stan Lee

I knew this day to come. Though I never got to meet him, I saw Stan a few times at conventions I’ve been at. I would have liked to have met him briefly just so I can say I did, but in order to do so, you would have to buy a special ticket at some conventions he would appear at. That’s not money I ever had. I know he left behind a grand legacy and created some of the greatest superheroes we all know of, like Spiderman, the X-Men, and Black Panther. And I always thought it was fun to see him making a cameo in a movie or show. The guy loved his fans, which is what I think is the best part of him.

If only I could have met him, but glad I at least got this photo of him from Comikaze back in 2012. That was also the first time I was at that convention. This is the also first time I’m posting this photo online too. You’ll be missed brother.



There should be something there, Pokemon Go related. Like a stop or a gym. I don’t se why not, since there is road there that puts it in a the shape of a pokeball, so it only makes sense.


This is Useful

I recently got another gift from Blizzard for my use of the program on my computer. I get the game, Destiny 2, for free. Because it’s been added to for a year now. That’s cool. Well, it was announced during Blizzcon last week. But there is a problem, it’s not on mac, which I use. It’s funny because the developer, Bungie, used to only make games for mac. I wonder if it will eventually be on that platform, so I can show them this screen shot and say “hey, I couldn’t claim it because I couldn’t play it.”