Monthly Archive: December 2019


WeHo Halloween ’19 – Set 2

And the rest form that night. I would say this was a good year, Didn’t get there as early as I hoped, which will happen someday. And that would be before the sun totally sets. I can’t remember what happened on why it took so long. Anywho, I was there pretty late too, because by the time I was leaving the street was already being cleaned up.

It was a good, wild night.

Crisis On Infinite Earths 0

Crisis On Infinite Earths

Well, another trailer for something i’ve been looking forward to, for a year. Crisis on Infinite Earths started as a short comic series back in the 80’s, because DC needed to do a reboot of the comic universe, and the fact they are pulling it off in a live action show is pretty big. This has been a big year for superheroes. Mostly because of End Game.

Black Widow – Trailer 0

Black Widow – Trailer

I knew this was coming, just, expected a little later. My understanding is the movie takes place after Captain America: Civil War. Looks like it could be a good movie, Marvel hasn’t really disappointed yet.


WeHo Halloween ’19 – Set 1

At long last, after a month of taking these photos they are finally coming online. Its as a good night and not as crowded this year, but I do believe I got more photos this time. I was there as a Tuxedo Cat, which is an idea I had in mind last year before halloween.

The reason has to do with my background acting work, because in September and early October there are calls for people with non-copyright type costumes. I thought to myself, “I’ll go as a Black Cat on set, no wait, Tuxedo Cat.” Then this year I bought all the stuff I need. I’ll likely use that costume again for any show I could be on next year their halloween episode.

But for now, here is what I saw out in the wild.