Monthly Archive: March 2020


That Would be Nice

Nearly three years ago facebook added a feature that I very much like. The ability to add a background images to text posts. I like it because it’s a good way to bring attention to what you have to say. What I don’t like is the limitation, more so on what you are given when on the computer. Not sure why this is but I would like more options to be added because much of the time I prefer to post form a computer.


Or Needed a Hug

Recently a friend shared a post on his facebook page showing album covers of pop artists during the late ’90’s to early ’00’s, like of Backstreet Boys, Britney Spears and NSync saying “if you listened to these albums as a kid, you’re gay now.” That sure explains a lot about me, being that I didn’t listen to that kind of music, still don’t, and I’m not gay. So because I can I made my own version based more on music I listened to more of during that time.

I happen to have 5 of these CD’s, 6 if the copy of The Black Album from Metallica that was burnt for me all those years ago is valid. And even thought my copy of Smash from Offspring is a burn, I still consider it real because I did have the original CD. It just ironically got smashed.


Party Hat Charmander

Another pokemon with a party hat during the event that happened last weekend. I know there are more events coming in game, just waiting to hear what they are, so I can go out more and catch em all.


Whoa, I’m Half Way There…

Whoa… allied races on WoW. Yeah, now I have the ability to place all the allied horde races on World of Warcraft. I’ll get to the alliance races eventually. Might take a couple of months, depending when I reactive the account after the current game time is over. As of now will I be playing the one I have ready to go soon? After current game time expires.


Primary Vote

I voted today, but seems much of the day went to Biden. Not what I wanted, but would still vote for him over Trump. I just worry where things might be going now.


Swallow Tail Goliath

Maybe when I walk around to the pokestop I should bring my SLR. While on my way I saw this particular butterfly. But what make it interesting to me was how big it was. I don’t think i’ve seen one of this size before. Would have been cool if I could get it on my hand too, but seeing it myself was nice enough anyways.