Monthly Archive: January 2022


LA No Pants ’22 – Canceled

Pretty sure I should have posted about this last month when it was announced. I believe this was a good call too because of the covid cases going up again. And consisting the fact...


The Big Chill

That awkward moment you happen to be in the Austin, Texas area during a huge snow storm last year, took shelter at a religious center for some reason, and it turns out you are...


You Better Swim

Don’t go numb… I like when funny things happen while playing in Warcraft, because it gives an excuse to take a screen shot and post about how much fun they are. But that’s what...



So, I’m completely lacking in content, and have been for awhile. It would help if there are events that I know of coming up. One I believe will be happening is Chinese New Year...


Long Beach Comic Expo ’22

I learned earlier today this was once again canceled for the year. I can understand why because covid cases are getting out of control again, and it’s likely with omicron, which I understand spreads...