Monthly Archive: April 2023


Wall to Wall

Another shot from my hiking adventure. From the looks of it this is made in a way to take a heavy amount of water to the ocean during times of intense rain.


Anime Las Vegas ’23

Whats funny is how much I want to put down Anime Pasadena, because both cons are brought to you by Nerdbot Media. But anyways, it’s happening this coming weekend and I do plan on...


Old Fossils

During the week I made a trip to the La Brea Tar Pits. Been a long time since I was there. And seeing fossils of creatures that some if my ancestors might have encountered...


Chasing Waterfalls

Lol, TLC song. Yeah, I’m surprised I referenced a non-hard rock song too. During my hike with my friend. More photos to come.


Waterfall Hike

Went out on an adventure with a friend, and told me about a hiking trail they haven’t been to since before the pandemic. Got some photos as you might have seen one of a...


The Marvels Trailer

Heard this was going to come out sometime this week and did this morning. Oh this movie looks like it’s going to be a lot of fun. And I can almost hear the cries...


Spring into Spring Challenge

New limited time task in pokémon go that was actually kind annoying for a not to surprising reason. Pretty much catch some poking and evolve them, but there was one in particular Cutiefly, which...


Rock Blocked

Did a some hiking with a friend today. They told me about this one place and said last time he was there was before the pandemic. Pretty sure I’ve been here too. So anyways,...


Gible – 100

There is a certain joy I feel when I catch a pokemon with 100 IV. And that is knowing I’ve become one step closer to being the very best, the best there ever was....


Barbie Poster

So this exists! And a trailer came out today. Now, am I going to see this movie? slight possibility, but will likely be on streaming. It just looks so ridiculous that it looks like...