Category: Photos
Eagle’s Nest Show – Set 6
Final set, from the last band, AntiTrust. At this point I was pretty tired. They also had some audio issues early on but that got fixed and the show went on and gave quite...
Eagle’s Nest Show – Set 5
Time for the next set, this time from my friend’s band, Plagues Ov Khaos. Oh that was fun. Definitely very technical death metal. At one point a former bassist who came to show his...
Eagle’s Nest Show – Set 4
Next set of photos from the show at Eagle’s Nest, with a performance from the band, Innominate. I didn’t take as many photos of this band as I thought. The leader singer was also...
Eagle’s Nest Show – Set 3
Next set of photos from the Eagle’s Nest show, this time with the band, Paroxysm. After their performance I was telling one of the guitarists, the now with the shaded head and the 8...
Eagle’s Nest Show – Set 2
Next set of photos from the show at Eagle’s Nest, with Trepidation. I found myself kind of reminded of Lamb of God. They had a nice groove to them too.
Eagle’s Nest Show – Set 1
Yay, my I can use do admin stuff on my site again! Yeah, I decided to update the wordpress software and caused an error where I couldn’t get into this. It’s all fixed now....
Noob Pwning Team
Old photo from Moorpark. There was an event going on this night at the school, a LAN party. Not only I came to play but pretty sure I was also covering it for the...
Travel Center
Old photo from a road trip to Louisiana. Something that highly irritates me about Threads is the amount of religious fanatics who just post all kinds of jesus stuff as if we should convert...