Category: Photos


Pixel Art

Long ago, after one of my earliest GLA missions, I went with some of the agents to an offsite location for a debriefing. One of the guys with us saw some graffiti using colored...


Eagle’s Nest Show – Set 6

Final set, from the last band, AntiTrust. At this point I was pretty tired. They also had some audio issues early on but that got fixed and the show went on and gave quite...


Eagle’s Nest Show – Set 5

Time for the next set, this time from my friend’s band, Plagues Ov Khaos. Oh that was fun. Definitely very technical death metal. At one point a former bassist who came to show his...


Eagle’s Nest Show – Set 4

Next set of photos from the show at Eagle’s Nest, with a performance from the band, Innominate. I didn’t take as many photos of this band as I thought. The leader singer was also...


Eagle’s Nest Show – Set 3

Next set of photos from the Eagle’s Nest show, this time with the band, Paroxysm. After their performance I was telling one of the guitarists, the now with the shaded head and the 8...


Eagle’s Nest Show – Set 2

Next set of photos from the show at Eagle’s Nest, with Trepidation. I found myself kind of reminded of Lamb of God. They had a nice groove to them too.


Eagle’s Nest Show – Set 1

Yay, my I can use do admin stuff on my site again! Yeah, I decided to update the wordpress software and caused an error where I couldn’t get into this. It’s all fixed now....


Chow Down

Old photo of a friends bird. Just posting to show I’m still around, just lacking content still because literally nothing is going on. So I’m returning to old photos that haven’t been posted in...


Noob Pwning Team

Old photo from Moorpark. There was an event going on this night at the school, a LAN party. Not only I came to play but pretty sure I was also covering it for the...


Travel Center

Old photo from a road trip to Louisiana. Something that highly irritates me about Threads is the amount of religious fanatics who just post all kinds of jesus stuff as if we should convert...