Hollywood Carnival ’17
Well, I sure as hell had more fun this year. That was all kinds of crazy that would like more chances to see, more often. The costumes, the music, dancing, and everyone just enjoying themselves, being who they are. I got to ride the double decker bus to the start of the parade route, which is always the greatest thing. Walked up and down the route as the event was going on and as the day went on, and the closer we got to Highland, more and more people gathered on the side walks to watch. Some of those a part of the parade danced with those watching, and you know everyone had a good time.
I would also say the parade moves kind of slow at times, because I did see some gaps as it went on during the day. After that was over there was the cultural village, with performers of different groups with music and dancing. Sadly, I wasn’t there for to long, because I had something else to goto that evening, but over all, my day was a blast. Can’t wait for that again.