LA Santacon ’15 – Photos
My feet hurt so much from all that walking. The day started off at Olvera Street in downtown. Mainly we just gathered around and went a bit whacky. After a while we headed to our next place at Grand Park where we played, reindeer games. One involving throwing a reef on some giant candy cane between a persons legs, twister, hungry hungry santas, and make santa pyramid, or at least, tried.
After that we found ourselves going to a bunch of different bars together just east of Pershing Square. And at another park around that area, more games were played, which was basically seeing how far you can throw a small christmas tree. One of the bars we were at had a lot of pizza brought over, and I mean a lot. Hoping all of it got eaten. The last location for the night named was Jumbo’s Clown Room in east hollywood, which I did not go in because no cameras where allowed. As I was heading out I found some other santas and let them know of the No Pants Metro Ride next month. Now I have that to look forward to after Star Wars comes out.