New Machine, Whose This?

After 5 years and a few months it was time to get a new computer. Now the old one still works, it’s just going slow and I’m pretty sure it’s going to quit in the next year or two. And because of the tariffs about to kick in I figured it would be a good idea because I don’t want to end up paying what could be at least $200 extra because much of the parts that put this thing together come from overseas, and a mass of idiots didn’t know what tariffs really were. Then again this computer might have been put together in China.

I got myself a blue iMac. I would have got black if it was available but blue also matches the site’s theme. I’m also treating this machine kind of like a clean slate, so I’m not transferring my backup over, just documents, bookmarks and stuff I can’t redownload. I’m redownloading my usual programs again like Photoshop and Warcraft. It also has a solid state drive so everything will be opening really fast. It’s going to take a little time to get everything set up as I want it while also getting used to new features.

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