RIP Hollywood Superman
I learned about this last night. I met him 12 years ago and believe this photo was form when we officially meet. I was always a fan of Superman and I already knew about the guy before hand. Something else I also knew about the characters on Hollywood was they do take tips so when I took this photos, I gave him a little cash. It’s the proper thing to do.
Eventually I learned he came across some problems like how he was beat up and became homeless, which I didn’t find out about till after he got the help he needed so I’m glad that recovery happened, but never really checked in on how he was doing which is a problem of mine. I did see him one last time a year or two ago on the Boulevard, in a nice looking costume too. We talked shortly because I had some place to go but it felt nice to see him again. Hollywood isn’t going to be the same without him. Now to wait for some local news outlet to mention this, because he was a local celebrity.