Sympathy, And Some Taste
So, I’ve been having trouble thinking of a good halloween costume idea for this year. One I had in mind was a taco, and I planned on using newspaper that I would color to help make the filling (meat, lettuce, cheese, etc.), but believe that might end up being to much a hassle when I’m out in West Hollywood. Last weekend while out with the GF, she gave me an idea. A simple one, but would work. The Devil.
I don’t want to go for a far to obvious or common take, so I made my own version taking some inspiration from the show Lucifer, on style of dress. Only fitting for someone like me to be such a figure, since I’ve been Jesus before, and a god of mischief. It’s funny, thought I find Jesus more often, I was much more popular as Loki. I wonder how well I’ll do as the most popular rebel in folklore?
It felt nice drawing something again after so long from making the last one. I really need to get myself to do this more often.