Tagged: gay


Rick Santorum

Santorum 1. The frothy mix of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the byproduct of anal sex. 2. Senator Rick Santorum.

something i’ve been wanting to make and now had the chance to. i hope he likes it.


LA Pride ’11

Alright, finally photos are up for everyone to enjoy. not much else to tell other then what i posted last night after i got back home. also if anyone has a photo of me holding the “we are nutjobs” sign can you send it to me? that would be highly awesome and i’ll give credit.

now lets get this party on


Home from the LA pride event + Dual raiding with Lynn

first off i went down to weho again but this time around it was for the gay pride parade which some people i know there happened to be in the parade so i decided to join them and kicked massive ass. really, the gays know how to throw a party every time. they should do more of them. and really, the gays need a better anthem then the lady gaga song (that they kept playing over and over) she’s done better. and if you ask me it should be metal. oh and going down la cienega from sunset to santa monica on rollerblades. do not do unless you know for sure you are good. but i kicked it’s ass anyways

and now for subject two. scientology had a little event in downtown yesterday and i went with one other person to crash it. not many people drove by us to park for it. and what few people did walk by i had one lady call me a loser and flip me off. came on, can’t they do better? and i kept asking about what they thing about the Jan Eastgate mess and none of them seem to know about it. at least the ones that talked back.

any who, photos from that. not much put it’s there


I support Gay Marriage

alright we have this little image thats floating around the internet about marriage equality that I felt I should post it on my page site to, because I can. but instead I would remake it so it would cleaner and have less jpg artifacting.

Samwell – What What (In the Butt) 0

Samwell – What What (In the Butt)

reason i’m posting this is not only because it is funny, but people are attacking him for suing south park for doing a parody of this song. Turns out he is not, the people suing is the video production company Brownmark Films who make the video in the first place. but anywho, enjoy.

Ninja Sex Party – If We Were Gay 0

Ninja Sex Party – If We Were Gay

yeah, not having fully working computer often makes me a little more forgetful. so yes i forgot to post this up monday when i meant to, I first saw this video awhile ago and had a good laugh on it.


WeHo Halloween ’10

I have to admit, last year was more fun, likely because last year I got more photos and got there earlier. It might have to due with the fan halloween was on a sunday this year, but none the less it was still slighty entertaining. and now what you have been waiting for, the photos

Trick or Treat

Drag Drawing 2

Drag Drawing

I made this for that flyer for the drag show event up in the bay area. I put this on as part of a mockup that I make but wasn’t fitting for the rest of the image. Not that great of a drawing (I’m not all that great anyways but I know a few things) but then again I don’t draw people.


Drag Show Fundraiser

So sometime really early last year a friend of mine linked me to this site saying “hey this guy is doing a shirt design contest, got something cool?” and of course I did and mine won… massively.

So a few days ago the guy from the site messaged me again asking if I can make a flyer for this event going on in San Francisco and I figured why not, never make a club event flyer before but sure I can pull it off. The purposes of the show is to help rise money in overturning Prop 8 here in California. In which I really don’t think it should have never been voted on, thats just really taking rights away from people. It’s like “oh my god, two dudes or chicks are marring each other, the world is going to end.” I don’t plan on getting married myself ever but if some other couple wants to why should I stop them? It’s something they want to do and I can’t see how its hurting anyone.

But anywho this was an interesting experiment for me, I make a few other things for it but ended up not getting put in the final version because I guess it wasn’t very fitting. oh well, I might post them up later as stand alone images. and now I have other strange ideas to experiment.

UPDATE: had no address to the place so I messaged the guy again, sent me the info and added it in. yay!