Monthly Archive: May 2014

Kittens Playing 0

Kittens Playing

As it is known, I have cats again, and they are funny. Not sure they’ll be as interesting as the last two but I’m interested to see how they grow anyways.Also they like to attack my feet.


I got my Lens back…

Well, my good one at least. It took awhile but it is all fixed up and good to go. This was the first photo I took with it. Maybe I should of put the ISO number down first, or at least checked what it was before doing anything.


Straight Pride?

There is an image someone made a while back that occasionally makes it’s rounds on Facebook and the rest of the internet and I found myself to be rather bothered by it. So I created my own response to it.


Not Even Summer…

And this is what we have been experiencing in our area. With luck as you can see it’s going to cool off.