Monthly Archive: October 2014


LA Zombie Walk ’14 Photos

So… This happened. I’m glad I got to take part of it again after missing out on last year. We started off in north hollywood while the forces gathered, then before 5 we went underground and got on our train. Took it over to highland and walked to vine and back. Not exactly a lot to talk about for the event, it’s really something you have to see for yourself and enjoy. Plenty of people got scared, and I did hear a few screams that were also accompanied with laugher. a few kids did start crying but one thing I found adorable was this one little girl in her stroller (who was a part of the walk) screaming brains. Mainly it was how she was doing it. So good.

this has been a nice and busy month.


Get behind me!

I’ve heard this expression at least a handful of times and I never really understood it. All I could think of was, “are you trying to protect him or something?” People are weird.


Make it fast

During the event Samsung was holding they had this track set up with two cars going to two different speeds for reasons of testing their camera on how fast the shutter speed is. Interesting little trick to pull of on people that don’t know cameras all to well. But the nice part is the very high ISO number the NX30 in which the range on it is 100-25600. Yeah, that’s very much, a lot.

But this photo was taking with my camera, with my crappy lens because once again, my good lens won’t work on my camera anymore. I keep getting errors. If there was a way to can some how get to those photos I took that would be nice and… Oh, I just remembered, I think there is some kind of wireless connectivity the camera has which you can send photos to your phone or maybe iPad. Or at least I believe so. I could of done that. Well, I would ask one of the people there how to pull that off then, UHHHH!!!


The Departed

Over in Hollywood today Samsung held an event where you would turn in your old SLR camera (and drop it off in this bin) for a newer one from them. Either the NX30 or the NXmini. I found myself looking at the NX30 which looks more like an SLR and uses interchangeable lenses.

They ran out and from there only started giving out the mini. I decided to hold on to mine, but it was sad looking at this. Some people dropped their camera in, others threw it, and one guy I saw slam it in. I can’t do something so harsh to mine because I would feel I’m saying my camera has failed me when it’s helped give me a sense of propose. Someday I will replace it, but for now I will keep using it. Mainly because I need money to get a new body.But I still have my eye on this.


I <3 my LGBT Fans

A friend of mine is setting up a project and collecting photos of people in cosplay holding up this sign or another like it to show their support. Maybe I’ll take another, better photo of myself but for now I shall use this.


Link Hunt

There was a little game going on today. Where 5 guys put on Link inspired hoodies from The Legend of Zelda and you had to have each of them stamp a piece of paper for you to win a grand prize. I didn’t get the top prize but I am going my own hoodie, which from what I understand will take about 3 weeks to reach me. Took about 10-15 minutes to find the first 4 links, and 35 minutes after the whole thing started to find the last. Anywho, I still enjoyed the hunt.